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The Bi-century celebrations of the salem Bar Association has to recollect its doyens and pay their respects for the legacy left by them.
- In the annals of the history of the salem bar, We have only the memory of the leaders during the twentieth Century though some were born in the Nineteen century.There does not seem to exists any record of the nineteenth century personalities.
- During the first half, the entire nation was fighting for independence. The spirit of nationalism pervaded throughout the length and breadth of the country.Instilled by the spirit and emulating the leaders of the day, a few members of the salem Bar also contributed their sacrifice was unsurpassed among lawyers so far as Tamil Nadu is concerned.
The first among them is Dr.C. Vijayaraghavachari of salem. He was the leader of the Bar,with very lucrative practice on the criminal side. but to him, man was not living on bread alone. He gave up his practice and plunged into the struggle. He was the president of the Indian National congress and presided over the Nagpur session of the congress in 1920. He is credited with the framing of constitution of the pre-independent India for the congress party. Dr.c. Vijayaraghavachari Memorial Library was established at salem 50 years ago and I had the privillage to serve as its President for a few years.
There were number of brilliant great stalwarts like C.VIJAYARAGHAVACHARRIAR, C.RAJAGOPALACHARRIAR, B.V.NARASHIMA IYER, S.VIJAYARAGHAVACHARRIAR practiced at Salem Courts and they were the members of our Association, Infact our Bar Association has already released a souvenir during the Tamilnadu state Law seminar at Salem on 01.03.1997. Subsequently the Salem District criminal Bar Association has conducted a Silver Jubilee celebration on 26.06.1999. In the said celebration their lordships Justice.K.M.NATARAJAN, Justice.N.DHINAKAR, Justice.N.THANGAVELU, Justice.I.DAVID CHRISTIAN, Justice.V.KANAGARAJ and the then District Judge His Lordship Justice A.K.RAJAN have participated in the said silver Jubilee celebration.
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